Preparing Outreach For Her Majesty The Queen's 90th Birthday (John Stacey)
Taking Up Arms Through Righteousness, Intimacy, & Preaching (Dom & Thea Muir)
Cornerstone Vision Revisited: A House For His Presence - Part 3 (Jim Waddell)
Evangelism For Everyone 5: The Power Of Prayer Walking (Talk coming soon - Click to access notes)
PRAYER WALKING SCRIPTURES - These scriptures are great to use as you prayer walk.
Evangelism For Everyone 4: The River Of Life (Jim Waddell)
Evangelism For Everyone 3: Preach The Original Gospel (Reinhard Bonnke Video)
This week we are learning from one of the Church's most well Evangelists about how to preach the true Gospel by watching him preach it. In this video, Reinhard Bonnke delivers the Gospel at the annual Hillsong Conference. As you watch the message, allow your heart to be captivated once again by the wonder of the Gospel.
Evangelism For Everyone 2: The Fire Of The Gospel (Jim Waddell)
Evangelism For Everyone 1: The Cross - Billy Graham Film (link to video below)
The Cross Film - My Hope UK with Billy Graham (Click Here)
As we begin our series, 'Evangelism For Everyone,' everyone is being encouraged to watch this film which ties in with Billy Graham's, 'My Hope UK.' Perhaps the key component of evangelism is the love of the Gospel, pure and simple. As we watch this film, let's ask the Lord to reacquaint us with our first love, to unlock the fire of the Gospel in us afresh. Point others to this film, show it in your homes, let people needing hope know about it and point them to the link here, or directly to