Testimony From Nightshelter 2014-15

Prayer of Thanks

Almighty God , Heavenly Father. We take this moment to bring this to you.

We give great thanks for everything you have done for us and all the glory and praise. But at this moment above all, we give you great thanks for showing us your unending caring love and for the night shelters that have kept us safe throughout this past winter, we have much to be thankful for God. Thank you for the caring loving  people who give up there time to show your love through their selfless acts. For getting out our beds to sleep in. For cooking food and seeing we eat every evening and morning and don’t go hungery. They could have been warm and comfortable in bed, but they answer your call of duty Father.  Bless each and every one of them.......... Or just be there to be a friend and make us feel welcome, talk to us, share our troubles and pray for us and with us. We, the guests have a debt of gratitude to these people, but you our father deserve the most thanks for showing us your love through these people and their act of love and kindness. In Jesus name we pray Amen.


Testimony From Night Shelter

We had a good evening yesterday with 27 men and 4 ladies staying the night at the church. We also allowed 7 people to have a meal and then leave. As they were not registered with night shelter we kept them separate in the foyer area. There was a small incident when one of the guests had his tobacco taken but it was sorted out and returned to him.

We had one new volunteer last evening who had contacted us through the website and three turned up unexpectedly to help as a result of Barbara (former coordinator) inviting them.All 4 of them were a great asset on the evening and I think we will see them again.

Three people came in to the spiritual time in the church as well as three volunteers and it was a real blessing. We looked at Psalm 23, their choice. There were many questions but from all three an acknowledgement that there is a God who loves them. At the end I prayed to finish and one of the three prayed and then another of them said “What now?” I felt that he wanted to pray so said that if he wanted to he could. He said that he did not know how. I explained that all he needed to do was share with God what was on his heart. He prayed and brought tears to his and the other leaders’ eyes. Afterwards he shared with other volunteers what he had done.

God is at work!   Keep on praying!


Severe Cancer Healed!

At the beginning of this year, a Father of one of our church family was diagnosed with cancer. It was severe and the prognosis was not good. Although we were never able to pray with him directly, we laid hands on his daughter and prayed with her standing 'in proxy.' 

One night on the Alpha course, when we all prayed 'in proxy' that man's daughter was filled with the Holy Spirit to the point that she shot back into her chair. She had a profound time with the Lord as she sought to let go of her fear.

The road was not always easy with fear seeking to rob the daughter of her hope. But she managed to stay strong and trust the Lord.

A number of times over the year we prayed for and commanded the cancer to leave this gentleman. During this process he was also receiving medical treatment.

On Sunday, (23rd November 2014) this gentleman's daughter testified that her Father is now completely cancer free. Doctors have verified that there is no trace of cancer in his body! While medicine is not a second class miracle, in this case, the best of medicine and the prayers of the saints combined to turn around a hopeless situation and rid a wonderful man of a horrific illness.

Glory to God!

Pain and Trouble of Compressed Spine Healed

At the beginning of this year (2014) we prayed for a lady called Pauline, a member of Cornerstone Church, who was suffering from a compressed spine after an accident. It caused her a lot of pain, especially in the neck and shoulders, and it regularly interfered with her ability to walk, causing her legs to freeze up resulting in tripping up and often falling over and hurting other parts of her body. The treatment prescribed was making no difference and so we released healing into her spine. We prayed for about thirty seconds.

She instantly felt heat  her back and the pain started to subside! Hallelujah!

A few weeks later Pauline testified to feeling a lot better and she was no longer tripping or falling over. She wasn't 100% but she was a lot better. We prayed again and things improved a little more.

Last week, (November 2014) Pauline met with her consultant and the x-ray showed that she still has a compressed spine. The shape of the compression has not changed and she should still be in a lot of pain. But she is totally pain free and her leg movement and walking is 100% normal. Pauline is literally a walking miracle! Her symptoms defy her diagnosis! 

Praise God!

Security Guard Moved To Tears With A Word

On Saturday morning, a few of us met up to go treasure hunting. Treasure hunting is a form of outreach using words of knowledge in the hope that these words will connect people with Father God. We started by spending time in the Lord's presence getting filled afresh with his Spirit. We then asked him to give us words of knowledge (clues) about the locations, names of people, appearance of people, and issues concerning the people that He wanted us to connect with. We wrote all these clues on a sheet which we call a treasure map.

We then headed over to Westfield, one of the location clues, to start finding treasure (a person that God's wants to bless). We connected with a number of people during our time their. One of those that stood out was a security guard. On one of the maps we had the clues - Westfield, Starbucks, Eat, and security guard. We noticed a security guard standing just outside Eat, opposite Starbucks, at the entrance of Westfield shopping centre. "Bingo!"

So we approached him, introduced ourselves, and noticed he seemed to be of heavy heart. We showed him the 'map' with the clues on which caught his attention and then asked if we could pray for him. He asked if it had to be him or whether we would be willing to pray for someone else he knew. We said we would pray for whatever he wanted. He asked us to pray for his nation; Sierra Leone, the epicentre of the Ebola crisis. So we prayed. He was really grateful and we asked if he needed prayer for anything else. He said, 'no' and so we said our goodbyes and moved on.

However, we felt God wanted to do a little more. So, having moved a little distance away we asked the Lord what he wanted to say to this man. One of the ladies heard something and so we approached him again and explained that we felt God wanted to tell him something. Gina then shared with him that God had shown her a picture. In the picture, Father God had tattooed Steve's name on His hand because he was so precious and important to Him. His face lightened and he smiled and said, 'Thanks.' We said our goodbyes again and left. 

Two minutes later we saw Steve with tears running down his face with his hands at his side facing up and he was giving thanks to God. It was so simple yet so beautiful. A big burly and muscle clad guy, portraying a stand offish atmosphere was brought to tears and then praise with a simple word from his Father in heaven.

Salvation In Mental Health Centre

A friend of mine (let's call him 'W') was, it transpires, unlawfully sectioned under S.2 of the Mental Health Act recently through unfortunate circumstances and sent to a facility near Watford. He was understandably very upset but I told him to go easy as it might be God's will that he'd been sent there and to seek Him for opportunities. There's a call on his life (24 prophecies) to bring finance into the Kingdom, which he already does through property deals. His father had sadly died less than a month before and it is W's vision to build a £5m Alzheimer's unit in his home town in his memory. Meanwhile, there is a young property developer millionaire (let's call him 'J') who had an epileptic episode that resulted in confusion great enough for his family to arrange for him to be temporarily detained under the same Act for his safety and for observation.

W and J ended up in the same unit at the same time. A Christian friend of J's had prophesied over him that he would, 'have a New Life experience whilst in hospital.'. W and I spent time sharing the Gospel with J when I visited and later that evening after I had gone, J gave his life to the Lord; he slept like a baby for the first time in over a decade and has continued to do so since. When he rang his Father - a Christian - to tell him the good news, he apparently dropped the hammer he was holding, such was his stunned surprise. The following day, J was discharged.

In all, W and J had had five days to discuss business and finance and during that time struck a mutual arrangement to both mentor one another and to broker large property deals for the Kingdom. Christian staff had come to W regularly to confirm that they were praying for him and a few days later he too was discharged. Two other things : J's Father lives in the same town as W - and W's existing company is called New Life. God is truly, but truly amazing!

 Submitted by Simon Harris


Incredible Financial Provision

After deciding to seek funding for a new youth worker, at a staff prayer meeting Jim declared the provision of funds and called out for cheques to be sent in the mail and to find money Etc. The next day, a cheque made out to the church arrived in the post for £10,000. The day after, another cheque arrived for the church for the amount of £6,000. A couple of days later someone made a promise to give around £1500 towards salaries. Including gift aid recovered this meant that with in less than a week, £21,000 had been raised towards a new youth worker. None of those that gave were at the prayer meeting. How good is our God!

Boy's Foot Healed and Asthma Significantly Improved

At a church service, a three year old boy had a word of knowledge that someone had a bad foot. A nine year old responded that he had a lot of pain in one of his feet as a result of a strange clicking bone. The three year old boy went with his dad to pray for the other boy's foot and he was instantly healed! He tested it by running around the church and jumping up and down. After this he testified that all the pain had gone and that the clicking stopped.

After the service the young boy whose foot had been healed asked if we could pray for his asthmatic condition which had being giving him serious trouble for the past few weeks, to the point that he could not function at times. As we prayed, his chest got really hot. He felt really peaceful and was full of hope. Over the next few months while he was not fully healed, the asthma attacks reduced to less than one a week and they were not nearly as strong so that when he did get an attack, he was able to take it in his stride.

Boy's Shoulders Aligned and All Pain Leaves His Body

A mother and son came to Cornerstone Church one afternoon looking for help. The mother approached Jim and explained how her 10 year old son had been in pain for some time due to an accident. If he touched his shoulders, ribs or the side of his abdomen he winced in pain. Jim asked him to stand straight to check the alignment of his spine. The boy's shoulders were lopsided with the left being significantly higher than the right.

Jim offered to pray and release healing. Both the mother and the son agreed. Jim very lightly placed a hand on the boy's shoulders and commanded them to realign with their original God given design. He then asked the boy if he still felt any pain. The pain in his shoulders had vanished but the pain on his ribs and at his side was still intense. The alignment of his shoulders was better but still out so they prayed again commanding realignment and the pain to go. After checking, the boy said all the pain had gone from his ribs and now he only had a little pain by his ribs when he touched his side. His shoulder alignment was improved again but still out. They prayed one more time commanding the boy's shoulders to realign. This time his shoulders straightened in front of their eyes and became perfectly aligned. on checking there was no trace of pain in his body. The boy started jumping up and down and doing star jumps and leaping around the room as his mother cried at the miracle that had taken place.