Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone (Sue Chapman)
Sue Chapman is a missionary based in Mukubela West of Lusaka in Zambia. Cornerstone Church supports Sue's organisation Dayspring Christian Ministries who have developed a fully fledged highly attended school that sees lives turned around. Here Sue shares some of her experience and the call to move beyond what comforts us.
Unlocking Inspiration, Imagination, & Innovation (Faith Blatchford)
The Book Faith refers to at the start of the talk is the 'Creativity Sozo' manual available here.
The Cost Of Obedience (Esther Beckley)
At about 28 and a half minutes into the talk the radio mic failed. As a result we are missing a few seconds of the talk. We have edited out the clicking noises from changing the radio mic battery and as a result it might seem inconsistent at that point. However, the reality is that only five seconds of the talk are missing. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.