An evening to inspire and equip Sozo teams, Church leaders, business people, government officials, educators, scientists, and pastoral workers and everyone who wants to release the creativity in all of us. This training will help you understand that, as sons and daughters of a creator Father, we have His creative DNA. This is meant to give us the tools (creativity, inspiration, imagination, innovation, wisdom) to bring heaven to earth in all of the 7 mountains of influence (arts/entertainment, government, science, education, sports, religion, business.)
Our influence in the world as creative people is often hindered, either by myths we believe about our creativity and/or wounds and lies we harbour, knowingly or unknowingly, about who we are and what we carry. Dealing with the wounds and lies in this area, getting reconnected to our creator Father, establishing a plan of action as well as learning ways to become more innovative in our thinking is the expected outcome of the seminar.
This seminar is not just for people who identify themselves as creative, but even more for those who don't think they are innovative or inventive at all. This would apply to businessmen who want to be more cutting edge, government officials who want to have more wisdom for solving problems, educators who need innovative methods for teaching, scientists who have a passion to find a cure for incurable diseases as well as those in the arts. Also, those who are part of Sozo teams, church leaders and those involved in ministry will feel encouraged and released.
Training manuals for this brand new material will be available for purchase on the day.